quicklaunch about project 300

Project 300 is an artistic collaboration aimed at showing the forgotten face of ancient Persia and modern day Iran. Click here to find out more.

Oct 03

You did it

3 comments posted by legofish at 11:49 AM

Some time in the past several months, this website quietly exploded! That's right, I'm talking about our little Google Bomb. Right now, if you search for "300 the movie", which was our target word, this site is the first result, higher than the official 300 movie site. Of course this was only possible with the massive support of the Persian blogosphere who linked to us (4,257 incoming links and counting). As you know, this project was triggered by the 300 movie, but has long since grown to something beyond a simple response to a single movie and is now a source of news and information about Persian art and artists, with an eye towards shedding some light on the History of Persia.